The Country of the Blind (Book)
作者: H.G. Wells 
系列: ERIS Gems
分類: Classic science fiction  
書城編號: 25695686

原價: HK$70.00
現售: HK$66.5 節省: HK$3.5

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出版社: Urtext Ltd
出版日期: 2022/08/08
尺寸: 200 x 110 mm
ISBN: 9781912475810


"Over the mountains I come," said Nunez, "out of the country beyond there--where men can see. From near Bogota, where there are a hundred thousands of people, and where the city passes out of sight."

One of the acknowledged masters of speculative fiction, H.G. Wells conducts in this short story a disconcerting thought experiment. What would become of a community if its members were somehow deprived of sight? How would society evolve in the absence of the very concept of visibility? And what if, one day, a sighted outsider suddenly found himself in this country of the blind?

Eris Gems make available in the form of beautifully produced saddle-stitched booklets a series of outstanding short works of fiction and non-fiction.


Helen's Exile (Paperback)

The Case Against Travel (Paperback)

On Being Ill (Paperback)

The Fly (Paperback)

The Right to Be Lazy (Paperback)

Story of My Death (Book)

The World of Bond and Maigret (Book)

Unpacking My Library (Book)

The Glory of the Rails (Book)

Essay on the Art of Crawling (Book)

The Country of the Blind (Book)

Humour as I See It (Book)

The Vice of Reading (Book)

H.G. Wells 作者作品表

eBook: Mr. Blettsworthy on Rampole Island (DRM EPUB)

eBook: World Set Free: A Story of Mankind (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Die Zeitmaschine (DRM EPUB)

The Island Of Doctor Moreau (Paperback)

eBook: Island of Doctor Moreau (DRM EPUB)

eBook: First Men in the Moon (mp3 zips)

The Country of the Blind (Book)

eBook: Country of the Blind (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Invisible Man and The War of the Worlds - Two H.G. Wells Classics! - Unabridged (DRM EPUB)

The Rights of Man: or, What Are We Fighting For? (Paperback)

eBook: La Guerre des mondes (DRM EPUB)

eBook: La Machine a explorer le temps (DRM EPUB)

eBook: War of the Worlds (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Joan and Peter The Story of an Education (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Time Machine (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Bealby (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Boon illustrated (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Passionate Friends: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Anticipations (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Thirty Strange Stories (DRM EPUB)

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