The Capitol Ghost Mystery (Paperback)
作者: Michelle M. Barone 
書城編號: 25696847

原價: HK$130.00
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出版社: Filter Pr
出版日期: 2008/10/01
重量: 0.23 kg
ISBN: 9780865411883


The portrait of Abraham Lincoln has been stolen from the Colorado State Capitol for the second time, and Silvie Blake is on the hunt for clues during her class field trip. Silvie is soon caught in a puzzling web woven around history, ghosts and her own family. As she solves one mystery after another, she finds keys that unlock her past, an unexpected friendship, and a belief in herself that will change her life forever.

Michelle M. Barone 作者作品表

Out of the Ordinary (Paperback)

The Capitol Ghost Mystery (Paperback)

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