Big Stick (0002) (Paperback)
作者: Michael A. Ventrella 
書城編號: 25700070

售價: $150.00

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出版社: Fantastic Books Inc
出版日期: 2022/11/18
重量: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 9781515447870


In 1897, Beverly Haddad is well aware that her sex and race will keep her from investigating the deadly and mysterious lightning strikes that have plagued New York. She seeks help from Police Commissioner Teddy Roosevelt, and soon the two find themselves hunted by a vast conspiracy known as Gideon's Trumpet, which has access to amazing new scientific devices never before seen. With the help of Mark Twain and others, they launch an attack, aided by Teddy's new massive lightning gun, which he lovingly calls BIG STICK.

"Full steam ahead! With Big Stick, Michael Ventrella gives us a wild and thoroughly entertaining steampunk adventure featuring an improbably cast of historical figures, plenty of action, and lots of fun! Highly recommended!" - Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author of Deep Silence and V-Wars

"Memorable characters, snappy dialogue and plenty of action and adventure. Big Stick has it all. One of the best books I've read in a long while!" - Gail Z. Martin, author of Vengeance: A Novel of Darkhurst

"Full of the best kind of steampunk adventure with one of the biggest personalities in American history. A great fun ride!" - Philippa Ballantine, co-author of the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences series

"Big Stick doesn't have everything. It has more than everything! A dynamic PoC secret agent! Teddy Roosevelt! Steampunk inventions! Real dirty politics in a fantastic might-have-been world! Rayguns! Airships! Assassinations! Teddy Roosevelt with a raygun! And a cover by Phil Foglio! What the heck are you doing looking at this stupid blurb? Buy this book and read it!" - Ryk Spoor, author of Grand Central Arena and Princess Holy Aura

Michael A. Ventrella 作者作品表

Tales of Fortannis (Paperback)

Skeptic Soup (Paperback)

Long Title (hardback): Looking for the Good Times Examining the Monkees' Songs, One by One (Second Edition) (Hardcover)

Long Title: Looking for the Good Times Examining the Monkees' Songs, One by One (Second Edition) (Paperback)

Beatles on the Charts: All Group and Solo Albums and Singles Ranked by Popularity (Paperback)

Big Stick (0002) (Paperback)

Across the Universe: Tales of Alternative Beatles (hardcover)

Across the Universe: Tales of Alternative Beatles (paperback)

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