Leap Year's Revenge (Paperback)
作者: Neil J. McCurry 
書城編號: 25700429

售價: $190.00

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出版社: La Maison Pub Inc
出版日期: 2022/06/01
重量: 0.56 kg
ISBN: 9781970153378

Lewis Duncan was born one month premature on a Leap Year, during one of Cape Cod's most significant snowstorms in almost a hundred years. Although he had an average birth weight for a full-term infant, his parents quickly noticed many concerning issues with his growth process. Unfortunately, it seemed town residents and his school recognized this also. He started getting bullied at a very young age, and his parent's protection could only go so far. His father always told him, "Lewis, use words to defeat the bullies, not your fists." Over seventeen years, Lewis had enough and finally took matters into his own hands.

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