Windrush Child: The Tale of a Caribbean Child Who Faced a New Horizon (Hardcover)
作者: John Agard 
書城編號: 25709295

原價: HK$190.00
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出版社: Candlewick Books
出版日期: 2023/04/11
重量: 0.77 kg
ISBN: 9781536228533

Internationally acclaimed poet John Agard recalls the journey made by the thousands of Caribbean children and their families who traveled to Britain between 1948 and 1971 as part of the Windrush generation.

With one last hug, Windrush child says goodbye to his grandmother and the shores of his Caribbean home before embarking on an adventure across the ocean--under a sky full of promise--to an unknown horizon. With sensitivity and tender lyricism, world-renowned and multi-award-winning poet John Agard narrates the epic story of a child's voyage to England aboard Empire Windrush. Joyous illustrations by debut artist Sophie Bass richly evoke the changing landscapes and the uncertainty, courage, and hope of those who step into history--and travel far in search of home.

John Agard 作者作品表

The Day The Numbers Spoke (Paperback)

When Creature Met Creature (Hardcover)

Windrush Child: The Tale of a Caribbean Child Who Faced a New Horizon (Hardcover)

John Agard's Windrush Child (Paperback)

eBook: Inspector Dreadlocks Holmes & Other Stories (DRM EPUB)

Follow that Word (Paperback)

Inspector Dreadlock Holmes and other stories (Paperback)

John Agard's Windrush Child (Hardcover)

When Creature Met Creature (Hardcover)

eBook: Coyote's Soundbite (DRM PDF)

eBook: Coyote's Soundbite (DRM EPUB)

Books Make Good Pets (Hardcover)

Come All You Little Persons (Paperback)

Coming of the Little Green Man (Paperback)

Shona, Word Detective (Paperback)

Rainmaker Danced (Hardcover)

The Rainmaker Danced (Paperback)

My Name is Book (Paperback)

Playing the Ghost of Maimonides (Paperback)

Full Moon Night in Silk Cotton Tree Village: A Collection of (Paperback)

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