A Home for Every Plant: Wonders of the Botanical World (Hardcover)
作者: Matthew Biggs 
書城編號: 25713863

原價: HK$300.00
現售: HK$285 節省: HK$15

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出版社: Phaidon Pr Inc
出版日期: 2023/05/24
重量: 1.04 kg
ISBN: 9781838666972


'Hefty and accessible ... these vivid pages are divvied up in a way that will greatly add to the young reader's general knowledge.' - Wall Street Journal

Journey across 40 incredible habitats around the world to discover the biggest, boldest, and stinkiest plants

Without plants there would be no life on Earth, but most people are blind to their impact. This stylish and informative introduction to plants sets out to cure 'plant blindness' by introducing children to 66 amazing plants from the six major climactic zones around the world.

From the smelliest, such as the massive Titan Arum of the Indonesian rainforest, which stinks of rotting flesh to attract insects, to the hardest-working, including peat moss, an overlooked bog plant that helps protect our planet by trapping carbon dioxide, readers will learn about the vital role of plants in Nature through detailed, vibrant illustrations and fascinating facts. Children will also learn how to use their new-found knowledge of the plant's natural environment to care for the plants around them and at home.

Matthew Biggs' research included consulting eminent botanists around the globe and referencing scientific papers. This book teaches children about plants in the context of their natural environment, and is ideal for geography and biology curricular tie ins, as well as being a book that will inspire children to love and care for the plants around them. This is the perfect compendium for plant-lovers, budding gardeners, and would-be botanists and nature-lovers alike.

Ages 7 - 12

Matthew Biggs 作者作品表

The Secrets of Great Botanists: And What They Teach Us about Gardening (Paperback)

A Home for Every Plant: Wonders of the Botanical World (Hardcover)

A Nation in Bloom (Hardcover)

RHS The Secrets of Great Botanists (Hardcover)

Incredible Edibles: Grow Something Different in Your Fruit and Veg Plot (Hardcover)

eBook: Incredible Edibles: Grow Something Different in Your Fruit and Veg Plot (DRM EPUB)

Complete Book of Vegetables, Herbs & Fruit (Hardcover)

BBC Gardeners' Question Time Techniques & Tips (Paperback)

RHS Lessons from Great Gardeners (Hardcover)

Allotment Days (Paperback)

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