One Magic Summer (Paperback)
作者: Maggie Shayne 
書城編號: 25728328

售價: $110.00

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出版社: Draft2digital Llc
出版日期: 2022/08/02
重量: 0.27 kg
ISBN: 9781648393327


When Selene Brand, is out by the falls, dancing half naked with her fellow rebellious tree-worshipping types, and casting for the love of her life to fall at her feet, a stranger stumbles out of the woods and does just that.

He's been stabbed. And when he opens his eyes, all he sees is a topless wood-nymph holding a dagger. When she bends close and asks his name, he realizes that he doesn't know the answer. Nor does he know who stabbed him, but the local law seems to suspect Selene.

And yet she's the one who picks him up when he goes on the run. It soon becomes apparent that someone is trying to kill him because he knows something that he can't remember. Selene is determined to help him figure out who.

Soon he realizes the only person on his side is a witchy little vegetarian who's running away for reasons of her own. And he wonders if a guy without a memory can really fall in love so fast.

Maggie Shayne 作者作品表

Harrison Hyde and the Runaway Bride (Paperback)

The Mermaid Murder: A Brown and de Luca Novel (Paperback)

eBook: Mermaid Murder (DRM EPUB)

Gingerbread Man: A Brown and de Luca Novel (Paperback)

Cry Wolf: A Brown and de Luca Novel (Paperback)

Girl Blue: A Brown and de Luca Novel (Paperback)

eBook: Witchery (DRM EPUB)

Badlands Bad Boy (MP3 CD)

Badlands Bad Boy (Compact Disc)

The Baddest Virgin in Texas (MP3 CD)

The Baddest Virgin in Texas (Compact Disc)

Young Rhiannon in the Temple of Isis (Paperback)

The Littlest Cowboy (Compact Disc)

The Littlest Cowboy (MP3 CD)

Fatal Phantasm (Paperback)

Fatal Family Secrets (Paperback)

Fatal Fixer Upper (Paperback)

Fatal, But Festive (Paperback)

A Mommy for Christmas (Paperback)

Sweet Vidalia Brand (Paperback)

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