Lake Life with You (Board Books)
作者: Cindy Jin 
分類: Family & home stories (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 25728397

原價: HK$90.00
現售: HK$85.5 節省: HK$4.5

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出版社: Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers
出版日期: 2023/05/02
ISBN: 9781665935142

With sweet, rhyming text and beautiful art that will transport you to the lake, this heartfelt board book celebrates the best things about enjoying lake life with the ones you love.

when the lake is quiet
in the morning breeze
we watch the sunrise paint the sky

when the frogs are croaking
and herons take wing,
we feed the ducks wading by

Whether it's feeding ducks, looking for fish, or enjoying a peaceful nature walk, this cozy story proves that the best thing about lake life is making precious memories with the ones you love that last long after you leave the shore.

Cindy Jin 作者作品表

En El Castillo de Arena (Hardcover)

The Birthday Buddy (Board Books)

The Wheels on the Costume (Board Books)

Being Brave (Board Books)

Lake Life with You (Board Books)

How Do You Say Good Night? (Hardcover)

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