On the Shoals of Space-Time (Paperback)
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However wildly people had imagined First Contact? They never imagined this. They weren't supposed to be there. They hadn't planned to be there. But neither had they planned for the near-catastrophic explosion that had all but destroyed their interstellar passenger vessel. There was somewhere on the far fringes of what the rustic locals--for all they knew alone in the universe--egotistically capitalized as the Solar System. But however primitive these humans, scarcely spacefaring at all, they were the last, best, and--however vanishingly small--only hope for the few surviving passengers of the starship Greater Good to avoid lingering deaths on some remote, icy rock. And the crew of the tiny spaceship Andrew Carnegie? They entertained no plans beyond keeping secret the identity of their destination asteroid, exploiting its storehouse of precious metals, and fantasizing over how to spend their anticipated wealth. The universe, once again, didn't give a damn what anyone had planned... |