Under the Microscope: The USA's First IVF Baby (Paperback)
作者: Martin Powell 
書城編號: 25735280

售價: $150.00

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出版社: Bristol Books
出版日期: 2021/12/01
重量: 0.18 kg
ISBN: 9780578337029


In December 1981 Elizabeth Carr was the first person born through IVF in the USA. They called her a "test tube baby". She was in the spotlight from three cells old when pictures taken with a microscope showed the cells dividing that were to become her.

Her breakthrough birth meant she was under scrutiny growing up and now she is an advocate for patients seeking fertility treatment.

Forty years on she reflects on how being at the center of a scientific breakthrough has impacted on her life and changed the world.

With additional historic context provided by UK-based IVF historian, Martin Powell, this book examines the issues that face those working on fertility and how the world reacts to scientific advancement.

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