The Eye of the World: The Graphic Novel, Volume One (Paperback)
作者: Robert Jordan 
書城編號: 25751753

原價: HK$220.00
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出版社: Tor Books
出版日期: 2023/04/25
重量: 0.63 kg
ISBN: 9781250900012


Now an original series starring Rosamund Pike as Moiraine!

Created with the cooperation of the Jordan estate, adapted by well-known comics writer Chuck Dixon and illustrated by the talented Chase Conley, The Eye of the World: The Graphic Novel has been hailed as an exciting interpretation of Robert Jordan's classic fantasy novel.

The Eye of the World: The Graphic Novel, Volume One begins Robert Jordan's epic tale by introducing Rand al'Thor and his friends Matrim and Perrin at home in Emond's Field, shortly before the spring festival. Moiraine Damodred and Lan Mandragoran appear and almost before Rand knows it, he's fleeing his home village with Moiraine, Lan, his friends, and Egwene al'Vere, the innkeeper's daughter, who wishes to become an Aes Sedai. The conclusion of this volume leaves the travelers on the road to Baerlon, barely ahead of the pursuing Trollocs and Draghkar. But even as they run for their lives, Moiraine and Lan begin to teach the young people what they will need to know to survive in this dangerous world.

Robert Jordan 作者作品表

The Great Hunt: The Graphic Novel, Volume Two (Paperback)

The Great Hunt: The Graphic Novel: Volume One (Paperback)

The Great Hunt: Book 2 of the Wheel of Time (Now a major TV series) (Hardcover)

The Dragon Reborn: Book 3 of the Wheel of Time (Now a major TV series) (Hardcover)

Time: The Trouble is, you Think you Have Time (Paperback)


The Great Hunt: Book 2 of the Wheel of Time (Now a major TV series) (Paperback)

The Eye of the World: The Graphic Novel, Volume Six (Paperback)

The Eye of the World: The Graphic Novel, Volume Five (Paperback)

The Eye of the World: The Graphic Novel, Volume Four (Paperback)

The Eye of the World: The Graphic Novel, Volume Three (Paperback)

Old Nantucket Slides in Color (Paperback)

The Eye of the World: The Graphic Novel, Volume Two (Paperback)

The Eye of the World: The Graphic Novel, Volume One (Paperback)

The Wheel of Time Box Set 5: Books 13, 14 & prequel (Towers of Midnight, A Memory of Light, New Spring) (Mixed media product)

The Wheel of Time Box Set 4: Books 10-12 (Crossroads of Twilight, Knife of Dreams, The Gathering Storm) (Mixed media product)

The Wheel of Time Box Set 3: Books 7-9 (A Crown of Swords, The Path of Daggers, Winter's Heart) (Mixed media product)

The Wheel of Time Box Set 2: Books 4-6 (The Shadow Rising, Fires of Heaven and Lord of Chaos) (Mixed media product)

The Wheel of Time Box Set 1: Books 1-3 (The Eye of the World, The Great Hunt, The Dragon Reborn) (Mixed media product)

The Eye Of The World: Book 1 of the Wheel of Time (Now a major TV series) (Paperback)

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