eBook: Agile Project Management with Kanban (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Eric Brechner 
系列: Developer Best Practices
分類: Project management ,
Project management software ,
Agile programming ,
Software Engineering  
書城編號: 25766476

售價: $227.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Pearson Education
出版日期: 2015/02/26
ISBN: 9780735698987
>> 相關實體書

Use Kanban to maximize efficiency, predictability, quality, and value With Kanban, every minute you spend on a software project can add value for customers. One book can help you achieve this goal:  Agile Project Management with Kanban.   Author Eric Brechner pioneered Kanban within the Xbox engineering team at Microsoft. Now he shows you exactly how to make it work for your team.   Think of this book as "Kanban in a box": open it, read the quickstart guide, and you're up and running fast. As you gain experience, Brechner reveals powerful techniques for right-sizing teams, estimating, meeting deadlines, deploying components and services, adapting or evolving from Scrum or traditional Waterfall, and more.   For every step of your journey, you'll find pragmatic advice, useful checklists, and actionable lessons. This truly is "Kanban in a box": all you need to deliver breakthrough value and quality.   Use Kanban techniques to: Start delivering continuous value with your current team  and project Master five quick steps for completing work backlogs Plan and staff new projects more effectively Minimize work in progress and quickly adjust to change Eliminate artificial meetings and prolonged stabilization Improve and enhance customer engagement Visualize workflow and fix revealed bottlenecks Drive quality upstream Integrate Kanban into large projects Optimize sustained engineering (contributed by James Waletzky) Expand Kanban beyond software development
Developer Best Practices

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Eric Brechner 作者作品表

Agile Project Management with Kanban (Paperback)

eBook: Agile Project Management with Kanban (DRM PDF)

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