eBook: English Vocabulary: The Basics (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Michael McCarthy 
系列: The Basics
分類: Language: reference & general ,
Language: history & general works ,
Grammar, syntax & morphology ,
Literature: history & criticism ,
Applied linguistics for ELT ,
書城編號: 25768159

售價: $247.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2022/12/14
頁數: 186
ISBN: 9781000787887
>> 相關實體書

English Vocabulary: The Basics offers a clear, non-jargonistic introduction to English vocabulary, the way linguists classify and explain it, and the place of vocabulary in our overall picture of the language, and in society. Introducing a range of terminology for discussing vocabulary, the reader is provided with a coherent, structured description of what we know about words and their meanings. Key features of this book include: Analysis of historical roots of present-day words Coverage of the differences between speech and writing and between formality and informality Understanding of the social implications of choices that readers make to use standard or non-standard (e.g., regional/dialect) vocabulary A focus on British English with reference to a wide range of varieties of English that include North American English, Irish English, Indian English, Malaysian English, Nigerian English and Caribbean English.Featuring a glossary of key terms, cartoons and illustrations, further reading, reflection points, interesting "factoids" and examples from corpora from around the world, this book is an engaging and thought-provoking read for anyone with an interest in English vocabulary.
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