eBook: Coaching and Mentoring: A Journey Through the Models, Theories, Frameworks and Narratives of David Clutterbuck (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: David Clutterbuck 
分類: Counselling & advice services ,
Personnel & human resources management ,
書城編號: 25769291

售價: $390.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2022/12/29
頁數: 250
ISBN: 9781000818185

This book represents both a milestone and a celebration. It brings together in one place all the theories and models that have emerged from the work of David Clutterbuck, one of the last surviving, first pioneers of coaching and mentoring, who has significantly helped to shape the field; and is published as his 75th book at age 75.Many of the models and approaches familiar to coaches and mentors are based in David's prolific research, writing and practice, from Systemic Talent Management, through Team Coaching from a Complex, Adaptive Systems perspective, Personal Reflective Space, to the Diversity Awareness Ladder. In bringing more than 60 of these innovations into one volume, the book provides an invaluable contribution to the practice of coaching, and puts the evolution of coaching theory into context, tracing its development over time. This book is a one-stop-shop for coach practitioners and students to get up to speed and understand these foundational models. This book will appeal to coaches and HR professionals across the world, at all levels.
David Clutterbuck 作者作品表

eBook: Coaching and Mentoring: A Journey Through the Models, Theories, Frameworks and Narratives of David Clutterbuck (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Coaching and Mentoring: A Journey Through the Models, Theories, Frameworks and Narratives of David Clutterbuck (DRM PDF)

Coaching and Mentoring: A Journey Through the Models, Theories, Frameworks and Narratives of David Clutterbuck (Paperback)

Coaching and Mentoring: A Journey Through the Models, Theories, Frameworks and Narratives of David Clutterbuck (Hardcover)

Coaching the Team at Work (Hardcover)

eBook: Coaching the Team at Work 2: The definitive guide to Team Coaching (DRM EPUB)

Sage Handbook of Mentoring (Hardcover)

Coaching Supervision (Paperback)

eBook: Everyone Needs A Mentor (DRM PDF)

eBook: Everyone Needs A Mentor (DRM EPUB)

Talent Wave (Paperback)

Developing Diversity Mentoring Programmes (Paperback)

Everyone Needs a Mentor: Fostering Talent in Your Organisation

Coaching the Team at Work (Paperback)

Techniques for Coaching and Mentoring (Paperback)

Everyone Needs a Mentor (Paperback)

Learning Alliances: Tapping into Talent (Paperback)

Making Customers Count (Paperback)


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