eBook: Understanding Gandhi Speeches and Writings That Reveal his Mind, Methods and Mission (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Anil Dutta Mishra 
分類: Earth sciences  
書城編號: 25850048

售價: $5850.00

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製造商: Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd.
出版日期: 2021/06/30
頁數: 187
ISBN: 9789355940773

In science, the environment is the all the factors and conditions (biological, chemical and physical) in which an organism lives. So if we are studying fish, its environment is the water it lives in, the temperature and chemical makeup of the water, the type of climate of the lake or pond, how much rain it gets, average daily temperatures, what type of other fish live in the lake, presence of algae or plants, and the list goes on and on. environmental science is the field of science that studies the interactions of the physical, chemical, and biological components of the environment and also the relationships and effects of these components with the organisms in the environment. The field of environmental science can be divided into three main goals, which are to learn how the natural world works, to understand how we as humans interact with the environment, and also to determine how we affect the environment. The third goal of determining how humans affect the environment also includes finding ways to deal with these effects on the environment. Environmental science is also referred to as an interdisciplinary field because it incorporates information and ideas from multiple disciplines. Within the natural sciences, such fields as biology, chemistry, and geology are included in environmental science. When most people think of environmental science, they think of these natural science aspects, but what makes environmental science such a complex and broad field is that it also includes fields from the social sciences and the humanities.
Anil Dutta Mishra 作者作品表

eBook: Understanding Gandhi Speeches and Writings That Reveal his Mind, Methods and Mission (DRM PDF)

eBook: Understanding Gandhi Speeches and Writings That Reveal his Mind, Methods and Mission (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Mahatma Gandhi on Ethics (DRM PDF)

eBook: Mahatma Gandhi on Ethics (DRM EPUB)

Inspiring Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi (Hardcover)

eBook: Revisiting Hind Swaraj (DRM PDF)

eBook: Revisiting Hind Swaraj (DRM EPUB)

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