India's Technology-Led Development: Managing Transitions to a Digital Future (Hardcover)
作者: Vipin Gupta 
書城編號: 25863866

售價: $1290.00

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出版社: World Scientific Pub Co Inc
出版日期: 2023/04/24
重量: 0.61 kg
ISBN: 9789811271779

The recent disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have shaken the fundamental foundations of global business to their core, creating unprecedented challenges for management scholars and practitioners. In addition, over the past few decades, the general adoption of communication technologies and the evolving trends towards digitalization and Industry 4.0 have revolutionized the way organizations are managed and led. Business model innovation and the developing importance of sustainability have also emerged as strategic platforms for all types of organizations. Technology-led managerial transformation has now become critical for 21st century business.This book investigates four approaches in understanding the perspectives for integrating technology with holistic development: a Civilizational Approach, which integrates cultural, historical as well as geographical nuances in a way totally different from the Western positivistic models; a Stakeholder Approach, which involves moving away from a mere participant or observer role and embracing the 'Stakeholder' role; a Knowledge Partnership Approach, which lays the foundations of India's technology-led development through education, training, research and talent management; and a Strategic Development Approach, which unlocks the economic growth and wealth creation potential by keying marketing and branding at the ecosystem level.
Vipin Gupta 作者作品表

Fresh Perspectives on India's Organizational Dimension (Hardcover)

Science of Science: How Present Reacts When You Take Future in Your Hands (Paperback)

India's Technology-Led Development: Managing Transitions to a Digital Future (Hardcover)

Science of Goalkeeper: Managing Goals with the Potential Within You (Paperback)

eBook: What is Self Awareness: Looking Beyond the Law of Attraction (DRM EPUB)

eBook: What Is Para-consciousness (DRM EPUB)

eBook: What Is Consciousness (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Is Divine Energy (DRM EPUB)

eBook: What Is Divine Energy: The Power of Managing The Science of Everything (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Is Present Reality: The Super-Science of the Transcendental Value (DRM EPUB)

eBook: What Is Present Reality (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Transformative Organizations: A Global Perspective (DRM PDF)

Business Policy and Strategic Management (Paperback)

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