Screen Time Is Not Forever/El Tiempo de Pantalla No Es Para Siempre (Paperback)
作者: Elizabeth Verdick 
書城編號: 25880497

原價: HK$120.00
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出版社: Free Spirit Pub
出版日期: 2023/05/23
重量: 0.17 kg
ISBN: 9781631988110

Children learn boundaries and safety when using screens, and fun things to do when screens are off.

As important as screens are in our lives, we all need to unplug, especially children. This reassuring English-Spanish bilingual picture book offers children and families a starting point for limiting screen time and making the most of the time you have with your screens and without.

While screens are needed for learning and can be helpful and fun, they are not intended for use all the time. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends consistent limits on screen time for children, and adults should take steps to ensure online safety for kids. With straightforward suggestions, children will learn valuable information about online safety, setting healthy screen-time boundaries, and the importance of screen-free time.

With her trademark mix of empathy and encouragement, author Elizabeth Verdick offers appealing and healthy alternatives to using screens, as well as ways to stay safe and happy when online. Illustrator Marieka Heinlen's active and vibrant illustrations of young children interacting with their caregivers and families bring the activities and suggestions for screen-free fun to life.

A section for adults at the end of the book in both English and Spanish includes information on the effects of too much screen time and suggestions for establishing screen-time boundaries.

Best Behavior series
Simple words and lively full-color illustrations guide children to choose positive behaviors. Select titles are available in two versions: a durable board book for ages 1-4 and an expanded paperback for ages 4-7. Bilingual board book and paperback editions of all titles also are available. Kids, parents, and teachers love these award-winning books. All include helpful tips for teachers, caregivers, and parents.

Elizabeth Verdick 作者作品表

Wiggly Time / ¡A Mover El Cuerpo! (Board Books)

Outdoor Time (Board Books)

Outdoor Time / ¡Al Aire Libre! (Board Books)

El Estrés Te Altera de Pies a Cabeza (Paperback)

Wiggly Time (Board Books)

Mealtime / ¡A Comer! (Board Books)

Bedtime / ¡A Dormir! (Board Books)

Messy Time / ¡A Ensuciarse! (Board Books)

Naptime / ¡A Dormir La Siesta! (Board Books)

On-The-Go Time / ¡A Salir! (Board Books)

Try-Again Time / ¡A Intentarlo de Nuevo! (Board Books)

Tails Are Not for Pulling/La Cola de Las Mascotas No Es Para Jalarla (Board Books)

Screen Time Is Not Forever/El Tiempo de Pantalla No Es Para Siempre (Paperback)

Tears Are Not Forever/Las Lágrimas No Son Para Siempre (Board Books)

Noses Are Not for Picking/La Nariz No Es Para Hurgar (Board Books)

Pacifiers Are Not Forever/El Chupete No Es Para Siempre (Board Books)

Screen Time Is Not Forever/El Tiempo de Pantalla No Es Para Siempre (Board Books)

Tails Are Not for Pulling/La Cola de Las Mascotas No Es Para Jalarla (Paperback)

Tears Are Not Forever/Las Lágrimas No Son Para Siempre (Paperback)

Tears Are Not Forever (Board Books)

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