In the Shelter of Hollythorne House (Paperback)
作者: Sarah E. Ladd 
書城編號: 25884018

原價: HK$180.00
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出版社: Thomas Nelson Pub
出版日期: 2023/07/11
重量: 0.28 kg
ISBN: 9780785246817
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A young widow faces an uncertain future . . . until an unexpected encounter with her first love gives her heart a second chance in this Regency romance set on the Yorkshire Moors. Perfect for fans of Poldark, Julie Klassen, and Sarah Eden.

England, 1817--Charlotte Grey thought she had seen the last of Anthony Welbourne. Knowing her father would never consent to his only daughter marrying a man he deemed beneath their family's station, Charlotte bid her final farewell to Anthony and vowed never to turn back. Instead, she honored her father's wishes by marrying the wealthy Roland Prior.

Determined to put his love for Charlotte in the past, Anthony chose to immerse himself in a life full of meaning--first as a soldier fighting a war overseas, then as a member of William Walstead's watchmen, a rugged band of men dispatched to deal with perilous situations. Fearless and persistent, he makes it his life's focus to fight for those who can't fight for themselves.

When Charlotte's husband dies unexpectedly, she quickly realizes how blind she'd been to his nefarious ambitions and how many people he'd angered on his relentless quest for wealth. To protect her infant son, Henry, from those who wish him harm, she and the baby flee to Hollythorne House, her childhood home. There, Charlotte comes face-to-face with her former love, who has been sent as one of the hired watchmen to protect her and Henry until the details of her late husband's estate are settled.

Anthony's presence brings back feelings she never expected to have again, and she struggles to trust his intentions. Are the watchmen really looking after Charlotte as they claim--or are they looking to make trouble for Roland's estate and heir? Despite the constant reminders of their past, Anthony must remain focused on the task he was hired to do. But when new threats emerge and the past collides with the present, both he and Charlotte must decide what they are willing to risk for the chance to right old wrongs and carve out a new future . . . together.

Find yourself transported to the richly detailed, atmospheric setting of Regency-era England and the moors of Yorkshire with In the Shelter of Hollythorne House. Featuring a strong heroine and a courageous hero, the latest from Sarah E. Ladd is a compelling and satisfying read with a guaranteed happily-ever-after. In the Shelter of Hollythorne House is the second book in the Houses of Yorkshire series but can be read on its own.

Sarah E. Ladd 作者作品表

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In the Shelter of Hollythorne House ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

eBook: In the Shelter of Hollythorne House (DRM EPUB)

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