Today, I Feel Anxious: A Book About Managing Emotions (Paperback)
作者: Amy West 
書城編號: 25889417

售價: $150.00

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出版社: Puppy Dogs & Ice Cream
出版日期: 2023/01/05
重量: 0.1 kg
ISBN: 9781957922102

Discover powerful coping strategies that help kids process and manage their anxiety

It's okay to feel scared. But don't let your worrybug stop you from being the best you. Today, I Feel Anxious empowers kids to use healthy coping strategies to identify their little spot of anxiety and stop it from becoming a block to their success. Through powerful, step-by-step techniques, kids will learn that they are stronger than anxiety and eliminate their worries.

Unlock a new superpower inside of you to conquer any challenge or fear

You are strong like a superhero. You are able to conquer any fear or challenge that comes your way. When you start to worry, remember to focus on the power that lies within you. In this social emotional learning book for kids, children will learn to manage their big emotions and find how they can create more mindful moments to de-escalate their anxiety.

Written by a children's psychologist to help kids express their emotions in a healthy way

Dr. Amy West is a clinical psychologist that works with children to help them manage their emotional well-being. She has a passion for teaching kids the coping strategies and skills they need to express their emotions. This helps empower kids to build a healthier relationship with themselves and others.

Collect other books by Dr. Amy West

Dr. Amy West is on a mission to help children reach their full potential by giving them the practical tools and lessons they need to process and express their emotions in a healthy way. She has helped thousands of children boost confidence and self-esteem with other books like Today, I Feel Angry and Today, I Feel Sad.

Amy West 作者作品表

Today, I Feel Sad: A Book About Managing Emotions (Paperback)

Today, I Feel Sad: A Book About Managing Emotions (Hardcover)

Today, I Feel Angry: A Book About Managing Emotions (Paperback)

Today, I Feel Angry: A Book About Managing Emotions (Hardcover)

Today, I Feel Anxious: A Book About Managing Emotions (Paperback)

Today, I Feel Anxious: A Book About Managing Emotions (Hardcover)

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