The People Are Not There': The Transformation of Badenoch 1800-1863 (Paperback)
作者: David Taylor 
分類: History of the Americas ,
Social & cultural history ,
書城編號: 25890997

原價: HK$350.00
現售: HK$332.5 節省: HK$17.5

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出版社: John Donald
出版日期: 2023/08/01
ISBN: 9781910900987

Winner of the Saltire Society Scottish History Book of the Year Award

Badenoch today is a landscape of empty glens and ruined settlements, but it was not always so. This book examines the transformative events that shaped the region's destiny: climate and market forces, hunger and relief measures, sheep farms and sporting estates, agricultural improvement and proprietorial greed, and the evolution of clanship. Although this is an intensely localised study, the dramatic nature of change is explored against the wider context of events not just across the Highlands, but also within the British state and its global empire.

Badenoch's journey moves from the relative prosperity of the Napoleonic Wars into the terrible post-war destitution that devastated peasant, tacksman and Duke of Gordon alike. Estate reform and 'improvement' gradually brought a degree of economic and social stability, but inevitably resulted in depopulation as people were forced off the land to seek refuge in the impoverished 'planned villages' or to abandon their Gaelic homeland for life in the Lowlands. For those with the means, however, emigration provided lucrative opportunities unimaginable at home.

Through extensive use of documentary evidence, much of it previously unseen, David Taylor paints an intimate portrait of the historically neglected region of Badenoch - one that provides a compelling new perspective on Highland history.
David Taylor 作者作品表

Shakespeare's Silent Partner: An inquiry into the Shakespeare problem and authorship (Hardcover)

111 Places in the Scottish Highlands That You Shouldn't Miss (Paperback)

Eclipso's Happy Quest Book Three: The Saurient Express? (Paperback)

Political Identity in South Asia (Hardcover)

Golf Crossword Puzzles: 100 Engaging Games with Fresh Clues and Exclusive Content (Paperback)

The People Are Not There': The Transformation of Badenoch 1800-1863 (Paperback)

Eclipso's Happy Quest Book Two: Eau De Diplodocus? (Paperback)

Eclipso's Happy Quest Book Two (Hardcover)

eBook: Eclipso's Happy Quest Book Two: Eau De Diplodocus? (DRM EPUB)

111 Places in Northumberland That You Shouldn't Miss (Paperback)

The 24 Hours of Le Mans (Paperback)

The 24 Hours of Le Mans (Hardcover)

eBook: 24 Hours Of Le Mans (DRM EPUB)

The Insidious Disease: Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia (Paperback)

Lost and Forgotten: Book Four - Toward the Unknown Region (Paperback)

Lucifer Soldiers Serpents And Sin Too Many Wings: Interlude 1 (Paperback)

Hell in Singapore: The Loss of the Blackpool Regiment and the Sinking of HMS Yin Ping (Paperback)

52 Assignments: Macro Photography (Hardcover)

The Future of Classical Music - Part 1 (Paperback)

eBook: 'The People Are Not There': The Transformation of Badenoch 1800-1863 (DRM EPUB)

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