Goddess of the River Under: Novel 1 in a series of 4 (Paperback)
作者: Ewin Genghis 
書城編號: 25897190

售價: $120.00

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出版社: Independently Published
出版日期: 2022/11/14
重量: 0.32 kg
ISBN: 9798363797545

Alyssa Brown is intelligent and good-looking, and despite her own dark past she has begun a career as a psychology therapist at an upmarket clinic for the emotionally troubled.
Novel 1 in the series of 4 deals with the time of lies, when a hopeful Alyssa, newly qualified to tackle the unconscious mind as it flows like a river beneath the surface of the mind, sets out on her new career. Soon, we are witness to her own considerable psychological baggage. In novel 1, we find introductions to Alyssa's fragile mental state, to employer Alan Summerfield, to the Donald Clinic institution, and to boyfriend Cy. Later, we meet three extremely troubled mental health clients, experience Cy as a lover, and fall into the clutches of the disturbing Dr Jocelyn Goronowski. And all the while, exquisitely beautiful Alyssa somehow remains the most frightening of all.
Ewin Genghis 作者作品表

Disturbance at the House of Lies (Paperback)

eBook: Disturbance at the House of Lies: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

The Acquisition of Adonis: Novel 4 in a series of 4 (Paperback)

Mind on Fire: Novel 2 in a series of 4 (Paperback)

Mental Case: Novel 3 in a series of 4 (Paperback)

Goddess of the River Under: Novel 1 in a series of 4 (Paperback)

The Acquisition of Adonis: Novel 4 in The Healing of Alyssa quartet (Paperback)

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