The Television Genre Book (0004) (Paperback)
作者: Glen Creeber 
分類: Television ,
Media studies  
書城編號: 25905802

售價: $448.00

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出版社: British Film Inst
出版日期: 2023/11/02
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9781839022081
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In this new edition of The Television Genre Book, leading international scholars have come together to offer an accessible and comprehensive update to the debates, issues and concerns of the field.

As television continues to evolve rapidly, this new edition reflects the ways in which TV has transformed in recent years, particularly with the emergence of online streaming services such as Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max and Amazon Prime. It also includes a new chapter on sports TV, and expanded coverage of horror, political thrillers, Nordic noir, historical documentary and docu-drama. With analyses of popular shows like Stranger Things, Killing Eve, The Crown, Chernobyl, Black Mirror, Fleabag, Breaking Bad and RuPaul's Drag Race, this book offers a comprehensive understanding of television genre for scholars and students alike.

Glen Creeber 作者作品表

The Television Genre Book (0004) (Paperback)

The Television Genre Book (0004) (Hardcover)

Television Genre Book (Paperback)

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Digital Culture (Paperback)

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eBook: Dennis Potter: Between Two Worlds: A Critical Reassessment (DRM PDF)

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