Glittery Unicorns Sticker Book (Paperback)
作者: Sara Ugolotti 
分類: Interactive & activity books & packs  
書城編號: 25907539

原價: HK$126.00
現售: HK$119.7 節省: HK$6.3

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出版社: White Star Kids
出版日期: 2023/03/07
ISBN: 9788854419551

Dress up the unicorns and decorate the fun scenes with over 250 dazzling stickers!

This enchanting book is full of unicorns to dress up with glittery stickers of fun accessories likes wings and scarves. Use stickers to enhance the wonderful settings too, from the magical forest to the tea party to adventures over the rainbow. The stickers are removable, so you can change up the characters and scenes as much as you want!

Sara Ugolotti 作者作品表

The Tinderbox (Hardcover)

The Little Mermaid (Board book)

Sleeping Beauty (Board book)

Glittery Dancers: Dress Me Up in Stickers! (Paperback)

Glittery Dancers: Dress Me Up in Stickers! (Paperback)

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