eBook: Documenting the Past in Medieval Puglia, 1130-1266 (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Paul Oldfield 
分類: Historiography ,
European history ,
Medieval history ,
c 500 CE to c 1000 CE  
書城編號: 25926826

售價: $780.00

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製造商: OUP Oxford
出版日期: 2023/01/04
頁數: 304
ISBN: 9780192698490
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Documenting the Past in Medieval Puglia, 1130-1266 explores the production of historical memory in the region of Puglia after it was subsumed within the new Kingdom of Sicily in 1130. It assesses the significance of the apparent disappearance of more traditional forms of Pugliese historical writing after 1130, and explores the existence of other historical discourses (beyond those solely preserved in the few 'royal-centred' high-status chronicles) which wereembedded in surviving local documentation. The volume incorporates an extensive examination of charters and correspondence, an evidence-type yet to be fully utilised for this purpose in the study of medieval Puglia. Closely analysing the corpus of extant Pugliese charters and correspondence for the period ofNorman-Staufen rule (1130-1266) in the kingdom reveals the existence of embedded 'histories'. One of the book's key aims is to examine the role of both Pugliese individuals and communities, and 'central agents' (monarchy, papacy), in producing local historical memory, especially across phases of political upheaval and socio-cultural transformation. The charter evidence demonstrates the preservation and creation of multiple, intersecting public and private historical narratives and remembrances, developed to protect the past, present, and future. These 'histories' were the product ofrepeated encounters between local communities and centralised superstructures. We can, therefore, identify the vibrant production of local historical narratives and memories claimed by monastic, episcopal, professional, urban, and familial communities. As such this book contributes to a broaderunderstanding of 'use' of the past and of the nuanced inter-relationship between 'Centre' and 'Periphery' in medieval polities.
Paul Oldfield 作者作品表

Victoria Crosses on the Western Front – The Final Advance in Picardy: October – November 1918 (Paperback)

Victoria Crosses on the Western Front – The Final Advance in Flanders and Artois: September – October 1918 (Paperback)

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Victoria Crosses on the Western Front Battles of the Hindenburg Line Canal du Nord: September October 1918 (Paperback)

Documenting the Past in Medieval Puglia, 1130-1266 (Hardcover)

eBook: Documenting the Past in Medieval Puglia, 1130-1266 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Documenting the Past in Medieval Puglia, 1130-1266 (DRM EPUB)


eBook: Victoria Crosses on the Western Front: Battle of Amiens-8-13 August 1918 (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Urban Panegyric and the Transformation of the Medieval City, 1100-1300 (DRM PDF)

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eBook: Victoria Crosses on the Western Front, 20th November 1917-23rd March 1918: Cambrai to the Battle of St Quentin (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Victoria Crosses on the Western Front, 20th November 1917-23rd March 1918: Cambrai to the Battle of St Quentin (DRM PDF)

eBook: Victoria Crosses on the Western Front, 20th November 1917-23rd March 1918: Cambrai to the Battle of St Quentin (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Victoria Crosses on the Western Front, 31st July 1917-6th November 1917: Third Ypres 1917 (DRM EPUB)

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