eBook: Leadership, Psychoanalysis, and Society (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Michael Maccoby, Mauricio Cortina 
系列: Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series
分類: Society & culture: general ,
Sociology: work & labour ,
Psychoanalytical theory (Freudian psychology) ,
Social, group or collective psychology ,
Economics ,
Management: leadership & motivation ,
書城編號: 25929981

售價: $416.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2022/05/09
頁數: 206
ISBN: 9781000575705
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Leadership, Psychoanalysis, and Society describes leadership as a relationship between leaders and followers in a particular context and challenges theories of leadership now being taught. This book includes essays that view leadership from psychoanalytic, social psychological, sociological, evolutionary, developmental anthropological, and historical points of view to fully describe the complexity of leadership relationships and personalities. These essays analyze the different kinds of leadership needed in organizations; the development of Black Leadership that provides hope for people who have been oppressed; the difference between charismatic and inspirational leadership and the kind of training needed to develop leaders from diverse backgrounds who inspire followers and collaborate with them to further the common good. This book offers a guide to understanding the different types of leadership and will be of interest to business, government, health care, universities, and other organizations.
Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series

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Michael Maccoby 作者作品表

Psychoanalytic and Historical Perspectives on the Leadership (Paperback)

eBook: Social Character in a Mexican Village (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Social Character in a Mexican Village (DRM PDF)

Strategic Intelligence (Paperback)

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eBook: Strategic Intelligence: Conceptual Tools for Leading Change (DRM PDF)

Transforming Health Care Leadership - A Systems Guide to Improve Patient Care, Decrease Costs, and Improve Population Health (Hardcover)

eBook: Leaders We Need: And What Makes Us Follow (DRM PDF)

eBook: Leaders We Need: And What Makes Us Follow (DRM EPUB)

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