eBook: Forgotten Kings and Kingdoms (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Robyn Hardyman 
分類: History & the past: general interest (Children's / Teenage) ,
Mysteries, the supernatural, monsters & mythological beings (Children’s/Teenage) ,
Educational: History  
書城編號: 25937350

原價: HK$97.00
現售: HK$92.15 節省: HK$4.85

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製造商: Capstone Global Library
出版日期: 2020/10/01
ISBN: 9781398200937

Many people are fascinated with the great kingdoms and rulers of the distant past. For some, no records survive to prove their existence. For others, the records are woven with so many fanciful details they seem like legends. Be a mystery hunter, find out more about the lore and history of familiar legends around the world, and use all the evidence to decide what you believe.
Robyn Hardyman 作者作品表

Healthy Kids: Understand Relationships (Paperback)

Healthy Kids: Exercise Your Body (Paperback)

Healthy Kids: Understand Relationships (Hardcover)

Healthy Kids: Exercise Your Body (Hardcover)

Ancient Tombs and Hidden Treasure (Paperback)

Forgotten Kings and Kingdoms (Paperback)

eBook: Ancient Tombs and Hidden Treasure (DRM PDF)

Ancient Tombs and Hidden Treasure (Hardback)

Forgotten Kings and Kingdoms (Hardcover)

eBook: Forgotten Kings and Kingdoms (DRM PDF)

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