eBook: Hitler's Paratroopers in Normandy: The German II Parachute Corps in the Battle for France, 1944 (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Gilberto Villahermosa 
分類: European history ,
20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000 ,
Second World War ,
Special & elite forces ,
c 1939 to c 1945 (including WW2) ,
書城編號: 25938696

原價: HK$52.00
現售: HK$49.4 節省: HK$2.6

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

出版日期: 2019/08/30
頁數: 288
ISBN: 9781473847132
>> 相關實體書

A retired U.S. Army Master Parachutist, strategist, and military historian analyzes the actions of one German special forces group during World War II. In June 1944, Allied forces fighting desperately to establish a foothold in Normandy and then breakout of the confining bocage found themselves opposed by a bewildering array of formations of the German Wehrmacht. Among them were the newly formed German II Parachute Corps. This gripping new account examines the exploits of Germany's II Parachute Corps and its commander, Eugen Meindl, from the Allied invasion on June 6 to the end of August 1944. Meindl was the epitome of the senior German airborne commander in the Second World War. Tough, experienced, and aggressive, he cared deeply for his troops. His Parachute Corps fought stubbornly for three weeks, before being forced to fall back. Trapped along with the bulk of the German Seventh Army in the Falaise pocket, Meindl and his paratroopers maintained their discipline and were selected by the Commander in Chief of OB West to lead the German breakout to the east. That they managed to do so, despite suffering grievous losses, while so many around them died or surrendered, is a testament to their dedication and fighting ability. Theirs is a story that deserves to be told.
Gilberto Villahermosa 作者作品表

eBook: Hitler's Paratroopers in Normandy: The German II Parachute Corps in the Battle for France, 1944 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Hitler's Paratroopers in Normandy: The German II Parachute Corps in the Battle for France, 1944 (DRM PDF)

Hitler's Paratrooper (Paperback)

eBook: Hitler's Paratrooper: The Life and Battles of Rudolf Witzig (DRM EPUB)

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