eBook: Garth Ennis' The Complete Battlefields Vol. 3 (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Garth Ennis 
分類: Graphic novels  
書城編號: 25939924

售價: $169.00

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製造商: Dynamite Entertainment
出版日期: 2014/05/21
ISBN: 9781524112400

Collects The Green Fields Beyond and The Rise and Fall of Anna Kharkova!Two riveting tales of war, as only bestselling graphic novelist Garth Ennis can deliver! In "The Green Fields Beyond," veteran Sergeant Stiles leads the Tankies on the killing fields of Korea during the Chinese spring offensive of 1951. It's British steel against massed Communist hordes, as our heroes are cut off and outnumbered ten to one! In "The Fall and Rise of Anna Kharkova," the USSR's pilot heroine flies straight into trouble as her aircraft is shot down behind German lines. Anna faces her worst nightmare as a prisoner of the Nazis, and events are set in motion that will see her made an outcast amongst her own people.
Garth Ennis 作者作品表

Hitman by Garth Ennis and John McCrea Omnibus Vol. 1 (Hardcover)

The Ribbon Queen (Paperback)

Punisher: Army Of One Omnibus (Paperback)

Hawk the Slayer: Watch for Me in the Night (Paperback)

Punisher Omnibus Vol. 1 By Ennis & Dillon (Paperback)

The Boys Scriptbook Volume 1 Signed (Paperback)

eBook: Boys (Vol. 1) Oversized Omnibus (DRM PDF)

eBook: Boys: Script Book (Vol. 1) (DRM PDF)

eBook: Boys (Vol.2) Oversized Omnibus (DRM PDF)

The Boys: Dear Becky [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Boys (Adapted) (MP3 CD)

eBook: Boys: Dear Becky Collection (DRM PDF)

Punisher: Soviet (Paperback)

Stringbags (Paperback)

eBook: Stringbags (DRM PDF)

Hellblazer by Garth Ennis Omnibus Vol. 1 (Hardcover)

Boys Omnibus Vol. 6 - Photo Cover Edition (Paperback)

Boys Omnibus Vol. 6 (Paperback)

eBook: Boys Omnibus Vol. 6 (DRM PDF)

Boys Omnibus Vol. 5 - Photo Cover Edition (Paperback)

Boys Omnibus Vol. 5 (Paperback)

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