eBook: Shape of Battle: The Art of War from the Battle of Hastings to D-Day and Beyond (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Allan Mallinson 
分類: Military history  
書城編號: 25946188

售價: $13.00

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製造商: Pegasus Books
出版日期: 2022/08/02
頁數: 400
ISBN: 9781639361946

A distinguished military historian tells the dramatic story of six defining battles in world history.Every battle is different. Each takes place in a different contextthe war, the campaign, the weapons. However, battles across the centuries, whether fought with spears and swords or advanced technology, have much in common. Fighting is, after all, an intensely human affair; human nature doesnt change. So why were certain battles fought as they were? What gave them their shape? Why did they go as they did: victory for one side, defeat for the other? In exploring six significant feats of armsthe war and campaign in which they each occurred, and the factors that determined their precise form and courseThe Shape of Battle answers these fundamental questions about the waging of war. Eschewing polemics, The Shape of Battle doesnt try to argue a case. It lets the narrativesthe battlesspeak for themselves.
Allan Mallinson 作者作品表

The Shape of Battle (Paperback)

eBook: Shape of Battle: The Art of War from the Battle of Hastings to D-Day and Beyond (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Shape of Battle: Six Campaigns from Hastings to Helmand (DRM EPUB)

The Shape of Battle: Six Campaigns from Hastings to Helmand (Hardcover)

The Tigress of Mysore (Paperback)

eBook: Tigress of Mysore (DRM EPUB)

The Tigress of Mysore (Hardback)

Fight to the Finish (Paperback)

Passage to India (Paperback)

eBook: Fight to the Finish: The First World War - Month by Month (DRM EPUB)

Fight to the Finish: The First World War - Month by Month (Hardcover)

eBook: Passage to India: (Matthew Hervey 13) (DRM EPUB)

Passage to India (Hardcover)

Too Important for the Generals (Paperback)

Too Important for the Generals (Hardcover)

Too Important for the Generals (Paperback)

eBook: Too Important for the Generals: Losing and Winning the First World War (DRM EPUB)

Words of Command (Paperback)

Words of Command (Hardcover)

eBook: Words of Command: (The Matthew Hervey Adventures: 12): immerse yourself in this brilliantly crafted military masterpiece (DRM EPUB)

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