eBook: Oath of Loyalty (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Vince Flynn, Kyle Mills 
系列: The Mitch Rapp Series
分類: Thriller / suspense  
書城編號: 25949367

售價: $195.00

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製造商: Simon & Schuster Australia
出版日期: 2022/09/21
頁數: 336
ISBN: 9781760857660

Mitch Rapp confronts a very different kind of killer in the explosive new thriller in Vince Flynn's #1New York Timesbestselling series, written by Kyle Mills.With President Anthony Cook convinced that Mitch Rapp poses a mortal threat to him, CIA Director Irene Kennedy is forced to construct a truce between the two men. The terms are simple: Rapp agrees to leave the country and stay in plain sight for as long as Cook controls the White House. In exchange, the administration agrees not to make any moves against him.This fragile detente holds until Cook's power-hungry security adviser convinces him that Rapp has no intention of honoring their agreement. In an effort to put him on the defensive, they leak the true identity of his partner, Claudia Gould. As Rapp races to neutralize the enemies organizing against her, he discovers that a new generation of assassins is on her trail. A killer known to intelligence agencies only as Legion.The shadowy group has created a business model based on double-blind secrecy. Neither the killer nor the client knows the other's identity. Because of this, Legion can't be called off nor can they afford to fail. No matter how long it takesweeks, months, yearsthey won't stand down until their target is dead. Faced with the seemingly impossible task of finding and stopping Legion, Rapp and his people must close ranks against a world that has turned on them.Praise for the Mitch Rapp seriesSizzles with inside information and CIA secretsDan BrownA cracking, uncompromising yarn that literally takes no prisonersThe TimesVince Flynn clearly has one eye on Lee Childs action thriller throne with this twist-laden story. . . instantly grippingShortlistAction-packed, in-your-face, adrenalin-pumped super-hero macho escapist fiction that does exactly what it says on the labelIrish IndependentMitch Rapp is a great character who always leaves the bad guys either very sorry for themselves or very deadGuardianOutstanding . . . Mills is writing at the top of his gamePublishers Weekly
The Mitch Rapp Series

eBook: Oath of Loyalty (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Enemy at the Gates (DRM EPUB)

Total Power (Paperback)

eBook: Total Power (mp3 zips)

eBook: Total Power (DRM EPUB)

Total Power (Hardcover)

Total Power (Export/Airside) (Paperback)

eBook: Lethal Agent (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Lethal Agent (mp3 zips)

Lethal Agent (Export/Airside) (Paperback)

eBook: Red War (mp3 zips)

American Assassin (Export/Airside, Film Tie-in) (Paperback)

Order to Kill (Export/Airside) (Paperback)

Vince Flynn 作者作品表

Oath of Loyalty (Paperback)

Code Red: A Mitch Rapp Novel by Kyle Mills ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

Code Red: A Mitch Rapp Novel by Kyle Mills (Hardcover)

Code Red: A Mitch Rapp Novel by Kyle Mills (Compact Disc)

Oath of Loyalty (Mass Market Paperbound)

Enemy at the Gates (Paperback)

Oath of Loyalty: A Mitch Rapp Novel by Kyle Mills ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

Lethal Agent (Paperback)

Lethal Agent (Hardcover)

Red War (Hardcover)

Red War (Paperback)

Red War (Hardcover)

Red War (Hardcover)

Enemy of the State (Paperback)

American Assassin (Export/Airside, Film Tie-in) (Paperback)

American Assassin (Paperback)

Order to Kill (Paperback)

Kill Shot (Paperback)

Order to Kill (Hardcover)

Survivor (Paperback)

還有... [顯示所有作品]

Kyle Mills 作者作品表

Enemy of the State (Hardcover)

Robert Ludlum's (TM) The Utopia Experiment, 1st Edition

Robert Ludlum's The Ares Decision (Paperback)

eBook: Burn Factor (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Free Fall (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Storming Heaven (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Rising Phoenix (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Fade (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Second Horseman: A Thriller (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Sphere of Influence (DRM EPUB)

Smoke Screen (B-Hardcover)

Sphere Of Influence 10 Singed (S-Prepack)

Sphere of Influence (B-Hardcover)

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