eBook: Media and the Criminal Justice System (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Anne Wade 
分類: Media studies ,
Crime & criminology ,
Jurisprudence & general issues ,
Criminal justice law  
書城編號: 25949937

原價: HK$2197.00
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製造商: Society Publishing
出版日期: 2022/01/30
頁數: 229
ISBN: 9781774691991

This volume examines the influence of the media on the criminal justice system, where age has a greater influence on consumers attitudes towards criminal justice in the media than any other factor. The volume argues that external pressure is determining how the news media covers crime and violence in contemporary times, and the resulting reports have played an important role in remodeling public opinion and ultimately shaping criminal justice policies. The news media is not only a mirror that reflects social events, but is also affected by other external influences, which often exceed traditional news reporting standards. The volume explores how regional and national television stations cover crime stories. In these news, the degree and style of crime news reports have been adjusted to meet the needs of viewers. They often emphasize specific groups of people to have violent tendencies. For instance, chapter 7 discusses the role of media in creating social awareness, and chapter 8 the effects of media on law enforcement. The volume argues that news media has played an important role in creating support for punitive criminal justice rules, which is rarely known. It also reflects on how the news media interrelates with other dynamics that influence public opinion in the criminal justice structure.
Anne Wade 作者作品表

eBook: Fighting financial crime in the global economic crisis: An explorative (DRM PDF)

eBook: Introduction to analytical jurisprudence (DRM PDF)

eBook: Judiciary and Government: The ongoing power struggle (DRM PDF)

The Judiciary and Government: The Ongoing Power Struggle (Hardcover)

Introduction to Analytical Jurisprudence (Hardcover)

Fighting Financial Crime in the Global Economic Crisis: An Explorative (Hardcover)

Encyclopedia of Crime, Law Enforcement, Courts, and Corrections (Hardcover)

eBook: Innovation and the Transformation of Consumer Law (DRM PDF)

eBook: Politics and Economics of International Sanctions: International justice or playground bullying? (DRM PDF)

eBook: Media and the Criminal Justice System (DRM PDF)

eBook: Key Aspects of Law Reform: The changes that need to be made (DRM PDF)

eBook: Crime and Victimization (DRM PDF)

eBook: Application of Criminal Psychology in different types of Crimes (DRM PDF)

eBook: Introduction to Criminal Psychology (DRM PDF)

eBook: Research Methods in Crime, Justice, and Social Problems (DRM PDF)

eBook: Correctional Counseling and Treatment (DRM PDF)

eBook: Crime Against Women and Children (DRM PDF)

eBook: Digital Forensics and Investigation: From Data to Digital Evidence (DRM PDF)

eBook: Crime and Law: Theory, Research, and Policy (DRM PDF)

eBook: International Judicial System: Law and Practice (DRM PDF)

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