eBook: Brand Management in Digital and Sustainable Times (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Joao Heitor De Avila Santos 
分類: Economics ,
Business strategy ,
Business & the environment, ‘Green’ approaches to business  
書城編號: 25950018

原價: HK$1885.00
現售: HK$1790.75 節省: HK$94.25

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製造商: Society Publishing
出版日期: 2022/01/30
頁數: 273
ISBN: 9781774692806

Brand Management in Digital and Sustainable Times is a book intended to serve as a reference guide for undergraduates, graduates, as well as professionals aiming to understand and overcome the challenges of brand management. Brands have various applications for companies, goods, and individuals. Nowadays, every customer is a publisher and has a brand to promote goods through social media platforms. Companies should leverage this aspect as maintaining the brands reputation is essential. When a company decides on a brand to represent itself in the public eye, it must first establish its identity or how it wants to be perceived. The book presents seven carefully written chapters. Chapter one presents an introduction to brand management. A holistic approach to branding is presented in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 discusses product placement and brand integration. Chapter 4 covers brand identity, a critical requirement for any company to progress. Chapter 5 focuses on retail management, providing an overview of the visual merchandising concept, and focusing on customer relationship management (CRM), brand management, and sales management. Chapter 6 concentrates on digital branding and marketing. The final chapter, Chapter 7, explores the fundamental concepts, challenges, and issues of contemporary sustainable brand management in light of the concepts multidisciplinary aspects. With these seven chapters, readers are expected to have a comprehensive introduction to brand management in the current marketing environment. A list of references is presented in each chapter to support the reader with additional literature on the subject.
Joao Heitor De Avila Santos 作者作品表

eBook: Entrepreneurship (DRM PDF)

eBook: Consumer Behavior (DRM PDF)

Entrepreneurship (Paperback)

Consumer Behavior (Paperback)

eBook: Brand Management in Digital and Sustainable Times (DRM PDF)

eBook: Multi-Channel Marketing (DRM PDF)

eBook: Consumer Behavior and Culture (DRM PDF)

eBook: Business Dynamics in the 21st Century (DRM PDF)

eBook: International Business Strategy (DRM PDF)

eBook: Customer Relationship Management: Strategic Approaches in Digital Era (DRM PDF)

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