eBook: Hybrid Metal-Organic Framework and Covalent Organic Framework Polymers (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Bo Wang 
系列: ISSN
分類: Polymer chemistry ,
Metals technology / metallurgy ,
Materials science  
書城編號: 25951924

售價: $2197.00

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製造商: Royal Society Of Chemistry
出版日期: 2021/11/12
頁數: 392
ISBN: 9781839163456
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Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are crystalline porous materials constructed from metal ions/clusters and organic linkers, combining the merits of both organic and inorganic components. Due to high porosity, rich functionalities, well-defined open channels and diverse structures, MOFs show great potentials in field such as gas storage and separation, catalysis, and sensing. Combining them with polymers tunes their chemical, mechanical, electrical and optical properties, and endows MOFs with processability. Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are crystalline porous materials built from organic molecular units with diverse structures and applications. Hybrid materials with intriguing properties can be achieved by appropriate preparation methods and careful selection of MOFs/COFs and polymers, broadening their potential applications. This book documents the latest research progress in MOF/COF-polymer hybrid materials and reviews and summarises hybridization strategies to achieve MOF/COF polymeric composites. It also introduces various applications and potential applicable scenarios of hybrid MOF/COF polymers. Hybrid Metal-Organic Framework and Covalent Organic Framework Polymers offers an overview to readers who are new to this field, and will appeal to graduate students and researchers working on porous materials, polymers, hybrid materials, and supramolecular chemistry.

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Bo Wang 作者作品表

Key Themes and New Directions in Systemic Functional Translation Studies (Paperback)

Neural Search - From Prototype to Production with Jina: Build deep learning-powered search systems that you can deploy and manage with ease (Paperback

Key Concepts in Chinese Thought and Culture, Volume II (Hindi Edition) (Paperback)

Key Concepts in Chinese Thought and Culture, Volume I (Hindi Edition) (Paperback)

eBook: Hybrid Metal-Organic Framework and Covalent Organic Framework Polymers (DRM PDF)

eBook: Hybrid Metal-Organic Framework and Covalent Organic Framework Polymers (DRM EPUB)

Lao She's Teahouse and its Two English Translations (Paperback)

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