eBook: Marine Organisms: A Solution to Environmental Pollution?: Uses in Bioremediation and in Biorefinery (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Telma Encarnacao, Alberto Canelas Pais 
系列: Environmental Challenges and Solutions
分類: Biotechnology ,
Materials science  
書城編號: 25962106

售價: $1944.00

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製造商: Springer International Publishing
出版日期: 2023/01/05
ISBN: 9783031172267
>> 相關實體書

Marine environments represent an underexplored source for numerous biotechnological applications. Of particular interest are organisms that can provide various valuable molecules and are potential candidates for bioremediation strategies. Fungi, algae, bacteria, yeasts, and sponges are some unique resources in marine ecosystems. But these must be preserved and protected from irreversible damage. Sustainable exploitation through farming systems is the alternative to prevent pressure on harvesting wild marine organisms. Written by an international team of experts, this book provides a broad overview of the possible approaches and technologies that can be applied in bioremediation processes and the possibilities to add value to the biomass produced. It provides a comprehensive state-of-the-art of current research and practice in bioremediation technology and bio-based materials. New processing technologies, and recent technical advances in molecular biology such as gene mining, omics techniques, and metabolic engineering are highlighted. The exciting possibilities that artificial intelligence can bring to the future of the biotechnology industry are also approached.The multidisciplinary nature of this book makes it of interest to a wide range of readers, including researchers, students, consulting professionals, engineers, governmental entities, and institutions working in environmental biotechnology, pollution control and prevention, and chemical processes.
Environmental Challenges and Solutions

eBook: Marine Organisms: A Solution to Environmental Pollution?: Uses in Bioremediation and in Biorefinery (DRM EPUB)

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Telma Encarnacao 作者作品表

Marine Organisms: A Solution to Environmental Pollution?: Uses in Bioremediation and in Biorefinery (2023) (Paperback)

Marine Organisms: A Solution to Environmental Pollution?: Uses in Bioremediation and in Biorefinery (2023) (Hardcover)

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