eBook: Incepem cu sfarsitul (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Chris Whitaker 
系列: Fiction Connection
書城編號: 25968683

售價: $88.00

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製造商: PublishDrive
出版日期: 2023/01/16
頁數: 536
ISBN: 9786064017529

Corect. Gresit. Viata o traiesti undeva intre ele.Duchess Day Radley are 13 ani, se declara proscrisa si este apriga aparatoare a fratelui ei de 5 ani, Robin, si parinte pentru mama ei, Star, care nu reuseste sa aiba grija nici de ea si nici de copii.Walk n-a plecat niciodata din oraselul din California unde au crescut el si Star. A ajuns serif, dar nu poate uita ca a depus marturie candva impotriva celui mai bun prieten, Vincent King, care a ajuns in inchisoare. Si este excesiv de protector cu Duchess si fratele ei.Dupa 30 de ani, Vincent este eliberat. Iar Duchess si Walk trebuie sa infrunte problemele care apar odata cu intoarcerea lui.
Fiction Connection

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Chris Whitaker 作者作品表

eBook: All the Colors of the Dark (DRM EPUB)

eBook: All the Colours of the Dark (DRM EPUB)

All the Colors of the Dark ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

All the Colors of the Dark (Hardcover)

All the Colors of the Dark (Compact Disc)

All the Colors of the Dark (Hardcover)

All the Colours of the Dark (Hardcover)

All the Colours of the Dark (Paperback)

eBook: Ahol az égbolt véget ér: Nincs jo. Nincs rossz. Csak az elet valahol a ketto kozott. (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Eternii (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Toate fetele rele (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Incepem cu sfarsitul (DRM EPUB)

The Forevers: The YA debut from the 2021 CWA Gold Dagger Winner (Paperback)

eBook: Forevers: The YA debut from the 2021 CWA Gold Dagger Winner (DRM EPUB)

The Forevers: The YA debut from the 2021 CWA Gold Dagger Winner (Paperback)

The Forevers: The YA debut from the 2021 CWA Gold Dagger Winner (Hardcover)

We Begin at the End (Paperback)

We Begin At The End (paperback)

We Begin at the End (Paperback)

We Begin at the End: Crime Novel of the Year Award Winner 2021 (Hardcover)

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