Shadowmancer: The Graphic Novel (Paperback)
作者: G. P. Taylor 
書城編號: 25979943

售價: $350.00

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出版社: Markosia Enterprises
出版日期: 2023/02/07
重量: 0.51 kg
ISBN: 9781915387158
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Vicar Obadiah Demurral no longer wants to worship God - he wants to be God!

Obadiah Demurral may be a vicar, but knowing what master he truly serves would come as a shock to the villagers of Thorpe.

Craving power and filled with insatiable greed, he has welcomed a darkness into his life that enables him to do terrible things, in the hope of harnessing control over the universe. He will stop at nothing, and as a Shadowmancer - a sorcerer who speaks to the dead - he even commands restless souls to do his bidding.

Young Raphah has come from another continent to reclaim the precious artifact - dangerously volatile in the wrong hands - that Demurral has stolen.

Even younger and less experienced in the ways of battle are Thomas and Kate, accidentally drawn into this war between good and evil, this struggle against Demurral that brings them face-to-face with the powers of darkness in an epic battle.

G. P. Taylor 作者作品表

eBook: Pig in the Pulpit (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Pig in the Pulpit (DRM PDF)

Pig in the Pulpit (Paperback)

Jack D'Arc (Paperback)

eBook: Jack D'Arc (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Jack D'Arc (DRM PDF)

Shadowmancer (Paperback)

Shadowmancer: The Graphic Novel (Paperback)

eBook: The Vampyre Quartet (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Vampyre Quartet (DRM EPUB)

Mariah Mundi (B-Hardcover)

The Shadowmancer Returns: The Curse of Salamander Street (B-Hardcover)

Tersias the Oracle (B-Trade Pbk)

Tersias the Oracle (B-Hardcover)

Wormwood (B-Trade Pbk)

Shadowmancer (B-Trade Pbk)

Shadowmancer (S-FL Dis M w/Ri)

Wormwood 15c FD w/riser (S-FL Dis S w/Ri)

Wormwood (B-Hardcover)

Wormwood (A-CD Unabridged)

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