The Promise: The Stories of Four Burn Pit Survivor Families Who Found Friendship in Their Fight to Win the Largest Veteran Medical (Hardcover)
作者: Kimberly Hughes 
書城編號: 25983283

售價: $280.00

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出版社: Rittenhouse Book Distributors
出版日期: 2023/01/31
重量: 0.53 kg
ISBN: 9781088081143


For decades, American Warfighters have come home from overseas only to find that they weren't done fighting. They knew from what they had seen, smelled, photographed, and recorded that toxic fumes from burn pits were causing cancer, respiratory illness, and other devastating illnesses. Still, the same government that exposed them to toxins argued that their illnesses were unconnected to that exposure.

Here are the inspiring stories of four military families who found in each other the strength, persistence, and will to fight for all Warfighters to receive justice for burn pit exposure. They describe themselves as a "family through tragedy, advocating for triumph."

And a triumph arrived through the PACT Act signed into law August 10, 2022. With this law, veterans end the decades-long gaslighting of government reps and win treatment for chronic and terminal illnesses as well as survivor benefits for their families. Find out how it happened through the stories of four unlikely American friends who never gave up.

Kimberly Hughes 作者作品表

How to Get the Girl (Paperback)

The Promise: The Stories of Four Burn Pit Survivor Families Who Found Friendship in Their Fight to Win the Largest Veteran Medical (Paperback)

The Promise: The Stories of Four Burn Pit Survivor Families Who Found Friendship in Their Fight to Win the Largest Veteran Medical (Hardcover)

As the Image of God, You Have Worth (Paperback)

eBook: Endearing Qualities of an Indestructible Mother (DRM EPUB)

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