The Poetics of Matthew 1: The Five References to Mothers and Other Patterns (Paperback)
作者: Timothy Lewis 
書城編號: 25983480

原價: HK$200.00
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出版社: Resource Pubn
出版日期: 2023/01/20
重量: 0.21 kg
ISBN: 9781666764833

The Poetics of Matthew 1 is about seeing what has not previously been seen in the first chapter of Matthew by explaining key literary patterns. What is the reason for the five references to mothers in the Messiah's genealogy? How can the genealogy be called Jesus's lineage if it is not Jesus's biological lineage? What kind of ""genesis"" is the Messiah's kind of genesis in verse 18? Why is Joseph labeled as ""righteous"" in verse 19? Why does verse 22 say ""This has all happened"" seemingly before it has all happened? Questions such as these were not previously thought to have answers within the text. The Poetics of Matthew 1 employs an underestimated method of answering text-based questions with text-based answers.
Timothy Lewis 作者作品表

Windswept Promise (Paperback)

Masked Attraction (Paperback)

Storytelling strategies for brand growth: Crafting a narrative: . The key to unlocking brand success (Paperback)

The Poetics of Matthew 1: The Five References to Mothers and Other Patterns (Hardcover)

eBook: Poetics of Matthew 1: The Five References to Mothers and Other Patterns (DRM EPUB)

The Poetics of Matthew 1: The Five References to Mothers and Other Patterns (Paperback)

Running Downwind (Paperback)

Running Downwind (Hardcover)

Forever Friday, 1st Edition

Forever Friday: A Novel (Paperback)

eBook: Forever Friday (DRM EPUB)

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