The Fundamentals of Film Making (Paperback)
作者: Jane Barnwell 
分類: Films, cinema ,
Film theory & criticism ,
Film production: technical & background skills  
書城編號: 25991514

原價: HK$322.00
現售: HK$305.9 節省: HK$16.1

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出版社: Bloomsbury Academic
出版日期: 2023/02/09
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9781350405349


The Fundamentals of Film-Making provides an overview of the collaborative process of film-making.

The book maps out the practical, technical and creative aspects involved, sets out the division of labour, and explains how each individual role combines to influence the final piece. The three primary stages of film production - pre-production, production and post-production - are covered through chapters dealing with each of the major departments: script; production; direction; production design; cinematography; sound and post-production.

The book concludes with an examination of film analysis, providing context and connections between film theory and practice.

Jane Barnwell 作者作品表

Production Design & the Cinematic Home (2022) (Paperback)

The Fundamentals of Film Making (Paperback)

eBook: Diseno de produccion para pantalla (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Production Design & the Cinematic Home (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Production Design & the Cinematic Home (DRM PDF)

Production Design & the Cinematic Home (1st ed. 2022) (Hardcover)

Production Design for Screen (Paperback)

Fundamentals of Film Making (Paperback)

Production Design (Paperback)

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