eBook: Contemporary Issues in Quantitative Finance (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Ahmet Can Inci 
系列: Routledge Advanced Texts in Economics and Finance
分類: Economics ,
Finance ,
Investment & securities ,
Applied mathematics  
書城編號: 26001761

售價: $676.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2023/04/10
頁數: 292
ISBN: 9781000859362
>> 相關實體書

Contemporary quantitative finance connects the abstract theory and the practical use of financial innovations, such as ultra-high-frequency trading and cryptocurrencies. It teaches students how to use cutting-edge computational techniques, mathematical tools, and statistical methodologies, with a focus on real-life applications. The textbook opens with chapters on financial markets, global finance, and financial crises, setting the subject in its historical and international context. It then examines key topics in modern quantitative finance, including asset pricing, exchange-traded funds, Monte Carlo simulations, options, alternative investments, artificial intelligence, and big data analytics in finance. Complex theory is condensed to intuition, with appendices presenting advanced mathematical or statistical techniques. Each chapter offers Excel-based implementations, conceptual questions, quantitative problems, and a research project, giving students ample opportunity to develop their skills. Clear chapter objectives, summaries, and key terms also support student learning. Digital supplements, including code and PowerPoint slides, are available for instructors. Assuming some prior financial education, this textbook is suited to upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate courses in quantitative finance, financial engineering, and derivatives.
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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Ahmet Can Inci 作者作品表

eBook: Contemporary Issues in Quantitative Finance (DRM PDF)

eBook: Contemporary Issues in Quantitative Finance (DRM EPUB)

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