The Miniatures and Meters of the Old English Genesis, MS Junius 11: Volume 1: The Pictorial Organization of the Old English Genesis: The Touronian Fou
作者: Seiichi Suzuki 
書城編號: 26018899

售價: $2900.00

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出版社: De Gruyter
出版日期: 2023/05/08
重量: 2.2 kg
ISBN: 9783110786880


The Old English Genesis is the sole illustrated Anglo-Saxon poem. In full appreciation of this unique concurrent execution of visualization and versification in a single manuscript, this multidisciplinary work explores the pictorial (Vol. 1) and the metrical (Vol. 2) organization from both synchronic-structural and diachronic-comparative perspectives. Among the most significant findings of each volume are: The first twenty-two images in the Old English Genesis originated on the whole from the Touronian Bibles; and the underlying classical Old English and Old Saxon meters were interactively reshaped through mutual adaptation and recomposition aimed at their firm integration into a synthesized Old English Genesis. While each part is solidly embedded in the respective scholarly tradition and pursues its own disciplinary concerns and problematics, vigorous formal and cognitive reasoning and theorizing run commonly through both. By way of mutual corroboration and integration, the twin volumes eventually converge on the hypothesis that the earliest portion of the extant Old English Genesis (lines 1-966) derived from the corresponding episodes of an illustrated Touronian Old Saxon Genesis in both pictorial and metrical terms.

Seiichi Suzuki 作者作品表

eBook: Miniatures and Meters of the Old English Genesis, MS Junius 11: Volume 1: The Pictorial Organization of the Old English Genesis: The Touronian

eBook: Miniatures and Meters of the Old English Genesis, MS Junius 11: Volume 1: The Pictorial Organization of the Old English Genesis: The Touronian

The Miniatures and Meters of the Old English Genesis, MS Junius 11: Volume 1: The Pictorial Organization of the Old English Genesis: The Touronian Fou

eBook: Meters of Old Norse Eddic Poetry: Common Germanic Inheritance and North Germanic Innovation (DRM PDF)

eBook: Metrical Organization of Beowulf: Prototype and Isomorphism (DRM PDF)

eBook: Metre of Old Saxon Poetry: The Remaking of Alliterative Tradition (DRM PDF)

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