The Third Daughter: Volume 1 (Hardcover)
作者: Adrienne Tooley 
書城編號: 26023939

原價: HK$190.00
現售: HK$180.5 節省: HK$9.5

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出版社: Little Brown & Co
出版日期: 2023/07/18
重量: 0.43 kg
ISBN: 9780316465694

An "immersive and intense" (SLJ) romantasy about betrayal, sisterhood, and politicizing emotion in the quest for power--all while a slow-burn LGBTQ romance simmers.

A "Read with Jenna" Summer Reading List Selection

For centuries, the citizens of Velle have waited for their New Maiden to return. The prophecy states she will appear as the third daughter of a third daughter. When the fabled child is finally born to Velle's reigning queen all rejoice except for Elodie, the queen's eldest child, who has lost her claim to the crown. The only way for Elodie to protect Velle is to retake the throne. To do so, she must debilitate the Third Daughter--her youngest sister, Brianne.

Desperate, Elodie purchases a sleeping potion from Sabine, who sells sadness. But the apothecary mistakenly sends the princess away with a vial of tears instead of a harmless sleeping brew. Sabine's sadness is dangerously powerful, and Brianne slips into a slumber from which she will not wake. With the fates of their families and country hanging in the balance, Sabine and Elodie hurry to revive the Third Daughter while a slow-burning attraction between the two girls erupts in full force.

The Third Daughter is a must-read for fans of:

  • BookTok Romantasy
  • ​Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
  • These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong
  • Slow Burn Romance / One Bed
Adrienne Tooley 作者作品表

The Second Son (Hardcover)

The Third Daughter: A sweeping fantasy with a slow-burn sapphic romance (Paperback)

The Second Son (Paperback)

The Second Son: Volume 2 (Hardcover)

The Third Daughter: Volume 1 (Paperback)

Third Daughter: A sweeping fantasy with a slow-burn sapphic romance (Paperback)

The Third Daughter: A sweeping YA fantasy about legacy, betrayal and sisterhood with a slow-burn sapphic romance (Hardcover)

The Third Daughter (Compact Disc)

The Third Daughter: Volume 1 (Hardcover)

Sofi and the Bone Song (Reprint) (Paperback)

eBook: Sofi and the Bone Song (DRM EPUB)

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