C2 Key Word Transformation (Paperback)
作者: Jane Turner 
書城編號: 26026074

原價: HK$172.00
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出版社: Muswell Pr
出版日期: 2023/01/23
重量: 0.26 kg
ISBN: 9781913825737

C2 Key Word Transformation 200 exam-styled practice exercises

200 exam-styled practice exercises

This edition of practice tests has been written to closely replicate the Cambridge

exam experience, although it is also suitable for any English-language student

working at CEFR C2 level.

This resource contains 200 exam-styled, single-sentence assessments, each carrying

a lexical/lexico-grammatical focus, testing lexis, grammar and vocabulary.

Each assessment comprises a sentence, followed by a 'key' word and an alternative

sentence conveying the same meaning as the first but with a gap in the middle.

Use the key word provided to complete the second sentence so that it has a similar

meaning to the first sentence. You cannot change the keyword provided.

Each correct answer is broken down into two marks. Next to each sentence

transformation answer is a guide indicating the focus of the two parts of the

answer: either G (grammatical) or L (lexical). This device gives a rough indication

to help you with your revision for the exam.

Jane Turner is an associate lecturer in EAP/EFL at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge,

and an EFL materials writer for international exam boards, universities and publishers.

She previously worked as a Cambridge ESOL examiner for the British Council, and

holds an MA in Education Management and Cambridge CELTA and DELTA.

Jane Turner 作者作品表

Speaking First: Ten more practice tests for the Cambridge B2 First (Paperback)

Speaking CAE: Ten more practice tests for the Cambridge C1 Advanced: Ten more practice tests for the Cambridge C2 Proficiency (Paperback)

Speaking CPE: Ten more practice tests for the Cambridge C2 Proficiency (Paperback)

C2 Key Word Transformation (Paperback)

B2 Key Word Transformation: 200 exam-styled practice exercises (Paperback)

C1 Key Word Transformation: 200 exam-styled practice exercises (Paperback)

Beat Breast Cancer Daily: What You Need to Know about Cancer's History, Treatment, and Prevention (Paperback)

The Way From Here (Paperback)

eBook: Way From Here (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Mindset for Business: The Art and Science of Sound Decisions (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Eugenio Barba (DRM EPUB)

Eugenio Barba (Paperback)

eBook: Eugenio Barba (DRM PDF)

eBook: Weight Loss in Midlife: How to get out of the Diet Trap (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Riddles, Rhymes and Alliteration: Listening Exercises Based on Phonics (DRM PDF)

eBook: Riddles, Rhymes and Alliteration: Listening Exercises Based on Phonics (DRM EPUB)

Riddles, Rhyme and Alliteration (Paperback)

Volcano's Edge (Hardcover)

Extreme Science: Prison Break! (Hardcover)

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