eBook: Immunity Food Fix Cookbook: 75 Nourishing Recipes that Reverse Inflammation, Heal the Gut, Detoxify, and Prevent Illness (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Donna Beydoun Mazzola, Sarah Steffens 
分類: Immunology ,
Diets & dieting ,
Cookery for specific diets & conditions  
書城編號: 26032148

原價: HK$208.00
現售: HK$197.6 節省: HK$10.4

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製造商: Fair Winds Press
出版日期: 2023/03/14
頁數: 192
ISBN: 9780760381199
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A companion book to the best-sellingImmunity Food Fix, The Immunity Food Fix Cookbook delivers 75 delicious superfood recipes that support your body's natural defenses. Studies have shown that nutrition impacts immunity and disease development. What you put on your plate can either heal you or hurt you. The Immunity Food FixCookbook gives you superfood recipes that naturally support robust immunity. Aside from being accessible and delicious, food is less expensive than medication and free of side effects and, unlike supplements, has the most complete form of the nutrient.While adding the top immune-supportive foods to your diet individually can provide benefit, recipes and meals give you the opportunity to combine different immune superfoods for maximum nutrient density, absorption, and flavor appeal. Recipes are organized around the 5 key pillars of immune support: reversing inflammation, detoxification, antioxidants, digestion and microbiome health, and hormone balance and signaling. Supporting your immunity has never been so appealing. Inside, you'll find delicious whole food recipes, including gluten-free, dairy-free, and grain options. Enjoy recipes such as: Soothing & Calming Licorice Lavender Latte Sprouted Quinoa Porridge with Raspberries & Hazelnut Butter Pumpkin Cardamom Oats with Coconut Butter & Orange Zest Egg Muffins with Butternut & Sunflower Seed Pesto Chicken Radicchio Salad with Apple, Celery & Cashews with Apricot Dressing Roasted Butternut & Avocado Salad with Lemon & Kalamata Olives Tuna, Chickpea & Arugula Salad with Lemon & Tarragon Vinaigrette Tomato Peach Fruit Salsa with Black Beans & Lime Cantaloupe & Smoked Salmon Caprese with Lemon Mint Sauce Thai-Spiced Coconut Lentil Soup Savory Mushroom & Chestnut Soup with Thyme Green Tea Rice Bowls with Miso Glazed Salmon Lemony Shrimp Chickpea Pasta with Spinach & Walnuts Fig & Apricot Almond Balls with Pistachio & Cacao Nibs Passion Fruit Panna Cotta Tahini Chocolate Chip Cookies Immune response underpins everything from chronic health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, to warding off the common cold to how well one ages. So start boosting your immunity at the very next meal with The Immunity Food Fix Cookbook!

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