eBook: God of Endings: A Novel (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jacqueline Holland 
分類: Fantasy  
書城編號: 26032676

原價: HK$173.00
現售: HK$164.35 節省: HK$8.65

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製造商: Flatiron Books
出版日期: 2023/03/07
頁數: 448
ISBN: 9781250856777
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"A new kind of vampire story, and the result is a surprising and spellbinding tale." -Laura Moriarty, New York Times bestselling author of The Chaperone"Great for fans of Interview with a Vampire and The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue." -Library Journal Suspenseful and enchanting, this breathtaking debut spans history, weaving a story of love, family, history, and myth as seen through the eyes of one immortal woman. Collette LeSange has been hiding a dark truth: She is immortal. In 1834, her grandfather made her immortal and since then, Colette has endured centuries of turmoil and heartache. Now in 1984, Collette is a lonely artist running an elite fine art school for children in upstate New York. But her life is suddenly upended by the arrival of a gifted child from a troubled home, the return of a stalking presence from her past, and her own mysteriously growing hunger for blood.Combining brilliant prose with breathtaking suspense, Jacqueline Holland's The God of Endings serves as a larger exploration of the human condition in all its complexity, asking us the most fundamental question: is life in this world a gift or a curse?
Jacqueline Holland 作者作品表

El Dios de Los Finales (Paperback)

eBook: God of Endings: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

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