The Audition (MP3 CD)
作者: Maddie Ziegler 
書城編號: 26054707

原價: HK$200.00
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出版社: Tantor Audio
出版日期: 2021/12/21
ISBN: 9798212142175

Twelve-year-old Harper has been dancing practically since she could walk. She loves her dance studio and team, and just won her first ever top junior solo in a regional competition. But right before the school year starts, Harper's parents drop a bombshell--the family has to relocate from their cozy town in Connecticut to sunny Florida for their jobs. That means goodbye to her friends, dance team, trips to see shows in NYC--and did she mention dance team? When she arrives at her new dance school and new team, it feels like everyone has better feet, quicker turns and faster taps than Harper. And it doesn't help that a group of girls, who nicknamed themselves The Bunheads, wonder how the heck she made the team if she can't even do a simple turn sequence in front of the class. Thankfully, Harper befriends Lily, a fellow newbie in the studio who is just as eager to make her mark and find a friendly face. With a big competition coming up for the dance team, Harper is determined to show everyone--especially those Bunheads--what she's made of. And when a very badly timed injury threatens all of the work they have done, The Bunheads, Lily, and Harper must learn to truly work together to give them their best shot at the top spot!
Maddie Ziegler 作者作品表

The Competition (MP3 CD)

The Competition (Compact Disc)

The Callback (MP3 CD)

The Callback (Compact Disc)

The Audition (MP3 CD)

The Audition (Compact Disc)

eBook: Competition (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Competition (DRM EPUB)

The Competition (Paperback)

The Audition, Volume 1 (Reprint) (paperback)

eBook: Callback (DRM EPUB)

Maddie Diaries (Paperback)

eBook: Audition (DRM EPUB)

Audition (Paperback)

eBook: Audition (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Maddie Diaries: My Story (mp3 zips)

eBook: Maddie Diaries: A Memoir (mp3 zips)

eBook: Maddie Diaries: My Story (DRM EPUB)

Maddie Diaries (Hardcover)

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