eBook: Space Battle Lunchtime Vol. 2: A Recipe for Disaster (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Natalie Riess 
書城編號: 26059387

售價: $169.00

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製造商: Oni Press
出版日期: 2017/07/05
ISBN: 9781620104057

It's almost time for the season finale of Space Battle Lunchtime, and finalist Peony (the only Earth contestant) is nowhere to be found! That's because she's been kidnapped and taken to the set of Space Battle Lunchtime's biggest rival, Cannibal Coliseum, where chefs compete to cook... each other. Up against some of the most dangerous aliens in the galaxy, will Peony even make it to the end of the show? Stay tuned!
Natalie Riess 作者作品表

Bitsy & Boozle Tell a Story (Paperback)

Bitsy & Boozle Tell a Story (Hardcover)

The Bawk-Ness Monster (Paperback)

The Bawk-Ness Monster (Hardcover)

Dungeon Critters (paperback)

Dungeon Critters (hardcover)

eBook: Space Battle Lunchtime Vol. 2: A Recipe for Disaster (DRM PDF)

Space Battle Lunchtime Volume 2 (Paperback)

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