eBook: England and Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Cyprus (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Wolfgang Faber, Brigitta Lurger 
系列: Schriften zur Europaischen Rechtswissenschaft / Eu
分類: International law  
書城編號: 26065583

原價: HK$696.00
現售: HK$661.2 節省: HK$34.8

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Otto Schmidt/De Gruyter european law publishers
出版日期: 2009/04/27
頁數: 640
ISBN: 9783866537033

 This is the second volume of a series of national reports on basic issues concerning the acquisition and loss of ownership of movable assets. The series is planned to cover 27 European legal systems, distributed over six volumes. Starting with general property law issues like the concepts of ownership and possession employed in the different legal systems, and the means by which they are protected, the reports primarily focus on the "derivative" transfer of ownership, but their scope extends to good faith acquisition from a non-owner, acquisitive prescription, processing and commingling, and further related issues. The reports, prepared by national property law experts, provide the reader with detailed information about the rules, case law and legal literature in the jurisdictions concerned. They serve as a starting point for further comparative research in property law and also as a tool for practitioners searching for information on foreign legal systems.
Schriften zur Europaischen Rechtswissenschaft / Eu

eBook: Arbeitsbeziehungen und Europäische Grundfreiheiten (DRM PDF)

eBook: Germany, Greece, Lithuania, Hungary (DRM PDF)

eBook: France, Belgium, Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal (DRM PDF)

eBook: Netherlands, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Malta, Latvia (DRM PDF)

eBook: Sweden, Norway and Denmark, Finland, Spain (DRM PDF)

eBook: Rules for the Transfer of Movables: A Candidate for European Harmonisation or National Reforms? (DRM PDF)

eBook: Austria, Estonia, Italy, Slovenia (DRM PDF)

eBook: Franchising in European Contract Law: A comparison between the main obligations of the contracting parties in the Principles of European Law on

eBook: England and Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Cyprus (DRM PDF)

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