Wiley Blackwell Companion to Literary Evaluation (Hardcover)
作者: Richard Bradford 
分類: Literary studies: general  
書城編號: 26068330

售價: $1950.00

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出版社: Blackwell Publ
出版日期: 2021/11/15
ISBN: 9781119409854


The first critical survey of its kind devoted solely to literary evaluation

Companion to Literary Evaluation bridges the gap between the non-academic literary world, where evaluation is deeply ingrained, and the world of academia, where evaluation is rarely considered. Encouraging readers to formulate and articulate arguments that balance instinctive judgment and reasoned assessment, this unique volume addresses key issues regarding literary values from the perspective of analytical aesthetics and the philosophy of literature.

Bringing together a diverse panel of contributors, the Companion explores competing theories of literary evaluation, the reasons for evaluating theater and lyric poetry in performance, the question of value in literary theory, debates over Modernism's negative impact on literature, the possibility of evaluating aesthetic beauty through scientific and formalist methods, the nature and status of literary evaluation as a branch of criticism, aesthetics in applied and community theater, evaluation outside academia, the perils of extreme relativism and subjectivism in literary evaluation, evaluation in schools and much more. Contributors question and reassess the reputations of authors across the canon, from Shakespeare and James Shirley to T S Eliot, Kathleen Raine, Virginia Woolf, Joyce and Beckett amongst others. The Companion

  • Illustrates how seemingly divergent perspectives on the artistic qualities and value of literature can sometimes overlap
  • Covers the standard range of literary genres, while including others such as unfinished novels, freelance journalism, and lyric poetry in performance
  • Offers methodologies that demonstrate why literature can be treated as something different from other forms of language and therefore assessed as art
  • Explores the importance of maintaining clarity and specificity in the evaluation of literary works

Companion to Literary Evaluation is a must-read for undergraduates, research students, lecturers, and academics in search of fresh perspectives on standard literary critical issues.

Richard Bradford 作者作品表

Dublin: A Literary Guide for Travellers (Hardcover)

Wiley Blackwell Companion to Literary Evaluation (Hardcover)

The Life of the Author: John Milton (MP3 CD)

The Life of the Author: John Milton (Compact Disc)

eBook: Life of the Author: John Milton (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Life of the Author: John Milton (DRM PDF)

Stately Secrets (Paperback)

Orwell (Hardcover)

The Man Who Wasn't There: A Life of Ernest Hemingway (Hardcover)

Man Who Wasn't There (Hardcover)

eBook: Companion to Literary Biography (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Companion to Literary Biography (DRM PDF)

Importance of Elsewhere (Paperback)

The Importance of Elsewhere: Philip Larkin's Photographs (hardcover)

Is Shakespeare Any Good: And Other Questions on How to Evaluate Literature (paperback)

eBook: Is Shakespeare any Good? (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Is Shakespeare any Good? (DRM PDF)

Crime Fiction: A Very Short Introduction (Paperback)

Literary Rivals (Hardcover)

eBook: Crime Fiction: A Very Short Introduction (DRM PDF)

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