A Deep Divide (MP3 CD)
作者: Kimberley Woodhouse 
書城編號: 26069471

原價: HK$420.00
現售: HK$399 節省: HK$21

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出版社: Recorded Books
出版日期: 2021/10/05
ISBN: 9798200704088


With her past behind her, she has nothing--and everything--to lose.

After being kidnapped as a child, heiress Emma Grace McMurray has seen firsthand the devastation that greed causes in the world, and she wants nothing to do with it. When she discovers her father has offered her up as a bargaining chip to expand his empire, she disappears into the night. Determined to stay hidden, even if it means always looking over her shoulder, she finds herself working as a Harvey Girl at the El Tovar Hotel.

When Ray Watkins arrives at the hotel on business, he is immediately captivated by the beauty of the Grand Canyon. Though his fame-seeking father aims to lure new investors to the Arizona Territory, Ray dreams of one day taking over the family business and doing good with the profits.

Ray immediately admires Emma Grace, and though an attraction begins to form, she can't let go of the deep-rooted fear that he's just like every other wealthy man she's known. When suspicious activity follows Emma Grace and Ray to the El Tovar, they are pulled into a mystery that stirs up their worst fears. And as shocking revelations come to light, they are left to question all they thought to be true.

Kimberley Woodhouse 作者作品表

70 North (Paperback)

A Hope Unburied (Paperback)

Set in Stone ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

Set in Stone (Paperback)

Set in Stone (Hardcover)

eBook: Set in Stone (Treasures of the Earth Book #2) (DRM EPUB)

8 Down (Paperback)

eBook: 8 Down (DRM EPUB)

26 Below ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

The Secrets Beneath ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

The Secrets Beneath (Paperback)

The Secrets Beneath (Hardcover)

eBook: Secrets Beneath (Treasures of the Earth Book #1) (DRM EPUB)

A Mark of Grace ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

26 Below (Paperback)

eBook: 26 Below (DRM EPUB)

A Gem of Truth ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

A Mark of Grace (Hardcover)

eBook: Mark of Grace (Secrets of the Canyon Book #3) (DRM EPUB)

A Mark of Grace (Compact Disc)

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